Saudi oil facilities attack shaking the Middle East

Middle East crisis and the Palestinian problem to be repeated?

Saudi oil facilities attack shaking the Middle East Middle East crisis and the Palestinian problem to be repeated Subsided after the IS exclusion [the calm before the storm]? The first half of the 00's, in the Middle East was a turbulent first time in the more there is no example in the past. Tunisia, Egypt, regime collapse, quagmire of Syria civil war in Libya. The 0-year born [Islamic State (IS)], in the year more than 00 million refugees Mediterranean over to Europe, on the other hand, there were numerous even in terrorism, which is cross-border in the year - year and IS Europe. For such a crisis, Bashar al-Assad regime also, Iran, also a regional power around that Turkey, further the United States, until the military power of Russia, has been preoccupied with a hard-line response that contain the problem by using military force. As a result, IS is excluded from the city of Mosul and the Syrian capital lacquer of Iraq, 0 years spring now, the situation in the Middle East appears to be heading to calm down as a whole. However, if Kaerimire the Middle East crisis of the pattern of the past, where he held down the crisis by force, the Middle East does not seem to go stable.

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