Saudi oil facilities attack shaking the Middle East

Now in the Middle East, what is happening? Role of religion

Saudi oil facilities attack shaking the Middle East "Now in the Middle East, what is happening? The role of religion. " Currently, we are not only the Middle East, a big change on a global scale have witnessed what is happening. Among them, it can be asserted that it is not possible to overlook the things that the religious dimension problem. That to understand the Islam as one of religion, or, to understand the role of the group listed the Islamic flag, it will be to provide an opportunity to better understand the various issues that plague the Middle East. To everyone, it might seem surprising, history is that the Middle East situation is fluidized as of today, is that there was little. The latest reports are updated daily on the Middle East, what with a certain even at today's topic [now, in the Middle East ...] it is or say, no easy thing. In fact, the day I started writing at the request of lectures on the Middle East from the current Miyake teacher, because the situation in the Middle East has changed, it had no choice but rewritten from scratch.

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