Saudi oil facilities attack shaking the Middle East

And the Palestine problem

Saudi oil facilities attack shaking the Middle East And the Palestine problem Jerusalem Appearance of the boy's bare hands to confront the soldiers. Or stunned to family .... in front of the destroyed house The term [the Palestinian problem] is covered in day-to-day news. The Who in the textbooks would once have been in the eye. The city of Jerusalem, which is in Palestine, Christianity, Islam, because it has attracted the interest of the world as a sacred place of Judaism, it is said Toka [religious confrontation] Toka [thousands of years before the dispute], me [difficult you may also be easily put away our it is not a problem to know is in] the television or the like. But in actual Palestine, people of different long between religions had coexisted. Also it became a big conflict, not only at most one hundred years. Really difficult, I think the problem that can not be solved? Here briefly is, we describe the Palestine and the Palestinian problem. Palestine is in contact with the east to the Jordan and [the West Bank], we divided the Western Mediterranean, to the south of the contact with the Egypt [the Gaza Strip].

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