Saudi oil facilities attack shaking the Middle East

Middle East tensions with the US embassy transfer, and [Jerusalem issue]

Saudi oil facilities attack shaking the Middle East Middle East tensions with the US embassy transfer, what the [Jerusalem issue] The opening ceremony was carried out in the US consular facilities in Arunona district of Jerusalem. Until more is a large place found, here provisional US Embassy is placed in a small number of staff will be working. This facility, which spans the next Middle East armistice line of the year that you disconnected the west Jerusalem from the No Man's Land (intermediate zone)] in the war. It occupied the intermediate zone in the Israel-day war of the year (the next Middle East war). Later, it has continued to effective control. Trump US President last year month, to convert the US policy over the years, he made the decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This time of the embassy transfer is made and measures that have undergone this. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the Trump's decision. He said that reflects the fact that [the Jews 000 years, the earth has been the capital city called Jerusalem].

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